Booking for Kimberley, BC

Booking for Kimberley, BC

Booking for
Kimberley, BC

Please read the following before submitting your application. ♡

Please read the following before submitting your application. ♡

Please read the following before submitting your application. ♡

Booking this year will be first come, first served. I keep previous forms if you would like to "resubmit it," just let me know in the description of this form.

I will reply within 3 weeks of your proposal.

Exact dates are undecided, but tattoos will be done sometime during February, March and/or April.

Exceptional tattoo ideas that allow me to execute my best work will still be prioritized! I may decline your proposal if it's better for another artist.

I'm open to a lot of ideas, but to see 'the vibe' of what I'm most interested in, please see the following:

Booking this year will be first come, first served.

I will reply within 3 weeks of your proposal.

Exact dates are undecided, but tattoos will be done sometime during February, March and/or April.

Exceptional tattoo ideas that allow me to execute my best work will still be prioritized! I may decline your proposal if it's better for another artist.

I'm open to lots of ideas, but to see what I'm most interested, please see the following:

→ My own unique tattoo designs Infused with symbolism that can be interpreted in many ways, and have strong aesthetics, making for a stand-out piece. Executed once only.

→ My Pinterest Boardloaded with top-tier tattoos that I would love to use as inspiration. I will not copy any of these designs.

Things I am most interested in:

  • Botanical pieces and florals of all sizes, but especially those that flow with the body, the bigger, the better. (As seen in my Pinterest board) I love plants, but love to work on something unique and special!

  • Portraits

  • Realism

  • Ornamental work

  • Fantasy/ magical/ anime tattoos

So excited to see your proposals, please email at with any questions or if you do not receive a response within 3 weeks!

If you are not already on the list, sign up below to receive future booking announcements to your email inbox.

Booking this year will be first come, first served.

I keep previous forms if you would like to "resubmit it," just let me know in the description of this form.

I will reply within 3 weeks of your proposal.

Exact dates are undecided, but tattoos will be done sometime during February, March and/or April.

Exceptional tattoo ideas that allow me to execute my best work will still be prioritized! I may decline your proposal if it's better for another artist.

I'm open to a lot of ideas, but to see what I'm most interested in, please see the following:

My Pinterest Boardloaded with top-tier tattoos that I would love to use as inspiration. I will not copy any of these designs.

My own unique tattoo designs Infused with symbolism that can be interpreted in many ways, and have strong aesthetics, making for a stand-out piece. Executed once only.

If you love one of the designs on my board or flash but are financially restricted, let's chat about budget!
I can do discounts on exceptional art and bigger pieces!

Things I am most interested in:

  • Botanical pieces and florals of all sizes, but especially those that flow with the body, the bigger, the better. (As seen in my Pinterest board) I love plants, but love to work on something unique and special!

  • Portraits

  • Realism

  • Ornamental work

  • Fantasy/ magical/ anime tattoos

So excited to see your proposals, please email at with any questions or if you do not receive a response within 3 weeks!

If you are not already on the list, sign up below to receive future booking announcements to your email inbox.

→ My Pinterest Boardloaded with top-tier tattoos that I would love to use as inspiration. I will not copy any of these designs.

→ My own unique tattoo designs Infused with symbolism that can be interpreted in many ways, and have strong aesthetics, making for a stand-out piece. Executed once only.

If you love one of the designs on my board or flash but are financially restricted, let's chat about budget! I can do discounts on exceptional art and bigger pieces!

Things I am most interested in:

  • Botanical pieces and florals of all sizes, but especially those that flow with the body, the bigger, the better. (As seen in my Pinterest board) I love plants, but love to work on something unique and special!

  • Anything that works with the body/ has a unique fit, even abstract/ textural tattoos

  • Portraits

  • Realism

  • Ornamental work

  • Fantasy/ magical/ anime tattoos

So excited to see your proposals, please email at with any questions or if you do not receive a response within 3 weeks!

If you are not already on the list, sign up below to receive future booking announcements to your email inbox.